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A Mechanical DCCB with Re-Closure Capability and Its Performance in MMC based DC Grid
Binye Ni, Wang Xiang, Meng Zhou, Xiaojun Lu, Wenping Zuo, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen
期刊名字:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems(英)
For the modular multilevel converter (MMC) based DC grids using overhead line transmission, to restore the power transmission quickly, the DC circuit breakers (DCCB) are required to be able to re-close after DC line faults. To meet this requirement, an improved mechanical DCCB topology with re-closure capability is proposed in this paper. It consists of a pre-charged capacitor, an auxiliary capacitor, an oscillation inductor, and anti-parallel thyristors. Firstly, the topology and operating principle of the mechanical DCCB are presented in detail. Then, the general sizing methods associated with the impact of parameters on interruption capability are disclosed. The feasibility of the proposed mechanical DCCB is validated in a stiff DC system. Finally, the transient performance of the DC grid embedding the proposed mechanical DCCBs is investigated under various operating scenarios. The results verify the DC fault interruption and fast automatic re-closure capabilities of the proposed DCCB. It is shown that the mechanical DCCBs can be well applied to the overhead MMC based HVDC grids systems.
1 项目背景
2 论文所解决的问题及意义
3 论文重点内容

图1 改进机械式DCCB拓扑

图2 DCCB工作原理
图6给出了重合闸过程中DCCB内部的电流电压波形。机械开关重新合闸后,电容CA开始放电,使得VS在200 μs内被充至-320 kA,从而CS重新获得产生反向注入电流的能力。之后,电感CA放电,使其电压VA降低至0。DCCB内的电压恢复至跳闸前的初态,从而具备了再次跳闸的能力。

(a) 电流波形

(b) 电压波形
图3 跳闸过程中的DCCB的电流电压波形

(a) 电流波形

(b) 电压波形
图4 重合闸过程中的DCCB的电流与电压波形
This paper proposes a novel mechanical DCCB with the twice-interruption capability to meet the requirement of overhead DC grid for automatic re-closure. This DCCB takes advantages of the discharging process of capacitor CA to recharge capacitor CS and thus achieve the second interruption capability. Taking the requirements of the representative four-terminal DC grid as an example, the parameter design methods of this DCCB are proposed. The DCCBs are designed as -320 kV pre-charged voltage of vs, CS of 15.5 μF, CA of 7.6 μF, and L of 0.8 mH. It can interrupt the fault current of 25 kA within 3 ms. The breaking performance and re-closure capability of the proposed DCCB are verified in a stiff DC model.
A ±500kV four-terminal bipolar DC grid with the improved mechanical DCCB is tested. The simulation results for permanent pole-to-pole faults prove that the proposed DCCB can be well applied in the overhead DC grid. Two other simulations on the system in case of DCCBs malfunction show that the mechanical DCCB can work normally under extreme conditions and the energy absorption of the arrester would not be less than 103.91MJ. To further validate the effectiveness of the proposed DCCB, the experimental verification will be conducted in future work.
Binye Ni, Wang Xiang, Meng Zhou, Xiaojun Lu, Wenping Zuo, Wei Yao and Jinyu Wen. “A mechanical DCCB with re-closure capability and its performance in MMC based DC grid.” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 121, 106128.
期刊简介:International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (JEPE) 期刊关注在电能产生、传输、分配及利用过程中,电力系统各元件及其并网技术、交互作用和技术改进。期刊范围涵盖电力系统元件的建模、设计、性能分析,及其在各种规模和复杂程度的现代电力和能源系统的特定方面的典型应用。本期刊特别专注于能改变电力系统并确定其性能和运,行的新技术的研究。期刊2018年JCR影响因子为4.418。