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近年来,大型海上风电场正成为清洁能源的发展热点,由于海上风电场通常离陆地较远,需要进行远距离、大容量电力传输,从技术和经济性角度来看,多端柔性直流(voltage source converter-based multi-terminal direct current,VSC-MTDC)输电系统是海上风电场并网的理想方式。随着风电渗透率不断提高,岸上交流系统旋转惯量和相应的频率调节能力不断降低。如果陆上交流系统没有足够的转动惯量,当有功功率突然变化引起的频率偏差和频率变化率足够大时,将会导致低频减载或发电机跳闸事件,甚至引起严重的连锁故障。因此,随着风电渗透率的不断增加,以及海上风电场工程建设,为保证系统的稳定运行,大规模海上风电场需具备参与陆上交流系统频率调节的能力。
Two-Level Combined Control Scheme of VSC-MTDC Integrated Offshore Wind Farms for Onshore System Frequency Support
Yongxin Xiong, Wei Yao, Jianfeng Wen, Siqi Lin, Xiaomeng Ai, Jiakun Fang , JinyuWen, and Shijie Cheng
期刊名字:IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
This paper proposes a two-level combined control (TLCC) scheme of voltage source converter-based multi-terminal high-voltage direct current (VSC-MTDC) integrated offshore wind farms to provide frequency support for onshore system. The proposed TLCC scheme consists of two levels, which are the step start-up and adaptive inertial droop control of the offshore wind turbine level, and the communication-free allocation control of the onshore VSC station level. On the first level, each wind turbine adopts the inertial and droop control with adaptive coefficients, and all wind turbines (WTs) work at the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) mode without energy reserve. To reduce the second frequency drop (SFD), the WTs are divided into different clusters according to their rotor speed, and a step start-up control scheme is adopted for the WT clusters to provide frequency support sequentially. On the system level, the communication-free allocation control strategy is proposed using local frequency signal of onshore VSC stations to share the active power among onshore VSC stations reasonably. The proposed TLCC scheme can provide onshore system with frequency support and reduce the SFD simultaneously, while all WTs work at MPPT mode. Case studies are carried out on a 3-area 4-terminalVSC-MTDCbased offshore wind farms (OWFs). Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and universality of the proposed TLCC scheme under different scenarios.
1 项目背景
2 论文所解决的问题及意义
3 论文重点内容
为了缓解风电场内风机参与系统频率调节后转子转速恢复过程中,风电场出力降低造成的二次频率跌落现象,风电场内风机梯次启动参与一次调频,启动策略如图1 a)所示,风机层次的风电机组自适应惯性下垂梯次启动协调控制的基本原理如图1 b)所示,风电场的所有风机均处于最大功率点工作状态参与系统频率调节。


图1 风电场内风机梯次启动调频控制策略
如图1 b)所示,首先将风电场内风机按照实时工作状态,根据转子转速分为分为两类(ωr>ωd与ωr≤ωd),为了兼顾海上风电场提供惯性支撑的效果,本文中ωd为集群分类转速,其选取方式为:将风电场内风机按照转速大小排序,将前60%数量风机的分界转速定义为ωd。后续具体步骤阐述如下:1)当系统的频率下降过快,频率偏差达到阈值时(f<49.9Hz或者f>50.1Hz),首批风电机组(ωr>ωd)投入系统调频,对频率进行惯性和下垂响应,释放转子动能,提高频率最低点;2)随着第一批参与系统频率调节的风机转速变化,惯性和下垂响应系数需要进行自适应调整,保证风机工作在安全运行范围内(0.7pu ≤ωr≤1.2pu)风机的惯性响应系数以及下垂响应系数自适应变化;3)当这批风机开始退出调频时(本文设定为预设值5s),第二批风电机组释放转子动能,补充首批调频风电机组恢复所需要的能量。通过这种次序退出的方式,可以防止风机在短时间内集体退出调频造成的巨大能量缺额,使系统的能量缺额在可控的范围内,避免出现二次频率跌落的问题。

图2 陆上VSC换流站自适应下垂系数控制策略示意图
图 3 海上风电经柔直电网并网系统



图4 风电场参与系统频率调节不同策略仿真结果(200MW负荷突增工况)

图5 风机参与系统频率调节不同策略仿真结果(200MW负荷降低工况)
This paper proposes a two-level combined control scheme to coordinate the OWFs with the VSC-MTDC system for onshore frequency support, which can reduce SFD while all WTs work at MPPT point. The proposed TLCC scheme contains two levels, the step start-up and adaptive inertial droop control on the offshore wind turbine level, and the communication-free allocation control on the onshore VSC station level.
Compared with other control schemes, the proposed TLCC scheme can reduce the frequency deviation at both the load increasing and the load decreasing situations. With the adaptive inertial and droop control, WTs whose rotor speed are high will release more kinetic energy. Consequently, the proposed TLCC scheme has better frequency support performance than that of the control scheme with constant inertial and droop coefficients. Moreover, with the step start-up control, the WTs in Cluster 2 can provide power support during WTs in Cluster 1 recover their rotor speed. Furthermore, with the communication-free allocation control strategy, the frequency support power can be allocated reasonably between different onshore VSC stations during frequency events, which will do benefit to reduce power flow change of onshore AC system, and decrease the RoCoF. Different case studies also prove the effectiveness and universality of the proposed TLCC scheme.
Y. X. Xiong, W. Yao, J. F. Wen, S. Q. Lin, X. M. Ai, J. K. Fang, J. Y. Wen, and S. J. Cheng. "Two-Level Combined Control Scheme of VSC-MTDC Integrated Offshore Wind Farms for Onshore System Frequency Support," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, in press. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.2998579.
Yongxin Xiong received the B.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 2017. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at HUST. His current research interests include control and stability analysis of grid-integration of offshore wind farm through VSC-MTDC.
期刊简介:IEEE Transactions on Power systems,一区期刊,2019年影响因子6.807。