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课题组廖诗武等的一篇论文被国际能源领域著名期刊Applied Energy接收

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恭喜SGO课题组廖诗武博士和韩杏宁博士题为“Chronological Operation Simulation Framework for Regional Power System Under High Penetration of Renewable Energy Using Meteorological Data”的论文被国际能源领域的著名期刊Applied Energy(2016年最新的影响因子为7.182)接收。




为了克服传统电力系统时序运行模拟依赖于可再生能源历史出力数据且求解速度慢、易无解的问题,论文“Chronological Operation Simulation Framework for Regional Power System Under High Penetration of Renewable Energy Using Meteorological Data”提出了一种基于气象及地理数据的区域电力系统时序运行模拟框架,该框架利用气象和地理数据计算得到可再生能源出力,并将其用于含时序分解及自动回滚的电力系统全年运行模拟。论文所提出的仿真框架包含以下三个阶段:数据准备、运行模拟以及结果输出。数据准备利用NASA提供的包含小时级风速、光照及地表温度的全球气象数据计算得到小时级风电、光伏出力以及热电联产机组热负荷数据。所有数据都准备完成后,运行模拟阶段利用时序分解技术和自动回滚机制来并行滚动求解全年运行模拟,该阶段所提出的求解技术能够有效加快全年时序运行模拟的求解速度并避免无解情况出现。仿真完成后,结果输出阶段完成并行计算数据的合并、统计及输出。论文通过与实际风电场标杆风机的出力数据及光伏电站的出力数据对比,验证了所提出的从气象数据计算得到可再生能源出力数据的准确性。同时,利用所提时序运行模拟框架仿真得到的中国西北电网2015年时序运行模拟结果与国家能源局、国家电网公布的实际运行统计结果相比,误差在6.8%之内,有效验证了文章提出的区域电力系统时序运行模拟框架的可行性和准确性。

Chronological Operation Simulation Framework for Regional Power System Under High Penetration of Renewable Energy Using Meteorological Data

Shiwu Liao, Wei Yao, Xingning Han, Jinyu Wen, Shijie Cheng

Abstract: Chronological operation simulation (COS) is an essential tool for planning and analyzing power systems under high penetration of renewable energy. Conventional COS methods heavily depend on the availability of renewable power output data to obtain accurate results, and often require hours or even days of computational time while the sequential simulation could easily get infeasible for power systems with intensive flexibility. To cover the absence of output data for newly proposed wind and solar projects and accelerate the computation speed, this paper proposes a novel COS simulation framework for regional power systems with high penetration of renewable energies using meteorological data. The proposed simulation framework consists of the following three steps: data preparation, modeling and solving, and result output. In the data preparation step, wind, solar power output profiles and heat demands are converted from public accessible meteorological data. Then in the modeling and solving step, a unit commitment based COS model for simulating the hourly operation of power and heat sectors is proposed, and the proposed model is solved with a time domain partitioning (TDP) and a rollback mechanism to accelerate the computation speed as well as avoiding infeasible solutions. The accuracy of the wind and solar power output converted from meteorological data is verified through comparing with measured power output. Moreover, the feasibility and accuracy of utilizing the proposed COS framework to simulate the operation of a real regional power system is also verified through the 2015 annual operation statistics of the Northwest China Grid.