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【IECON征稿启事】The 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

作者:;审核:SGO宣传部 ;发布:SGO宣传部-李毅发表时间:2019-04-24本文访问量:

The 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal

October 14-17, 2019


Dr. Jingang Lai RWTH Aachen University, Germany;

Prof. Xiaoqing Lu, Wuhan University, China;

Prof. Jiakun Fang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

SS 46 – Modelling, Control and Optimization for Cyber-Physical Microgrid Networks: Artificial Intelligence Perspective

Thank you very much for your proposal with the captioned title as a Special Session (SS) for IECON2019 Lisbon Portugal.

We are pleased to inform you that this SS proposal is provisional accepted for our consideration and it will be posted in the conference webpage for advertising papers.

It is the duty of the Organizers to publicize the Special Session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of papers.

Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo the same review process as regular papers. The special session organizers of the respective special session are responsible for organizing the review process, assuring at least three reviews per paper. This includes selection of reviewers from their peers. Conference chairs, based on recommendations from SS co-chairs, will have the final say for the accept and/or reject of the papers.

Before starting the review process, SS organizers must explicitly declare papers which present a conflict of interest for them. A conflict of interest arises where the judgement of a paper quality can be influenced by the organizers being authors or knowing some of the authors. To ensure independent reviews, this conflict must be marked as such in the submission system and the SS Co-Chairs notified so that they can arrange the review process.

During the review process, Special Session Organizers must take into account that:

- An individual cannot be (co)author of more than two papers submitted to the same Special Session.

- Papers from organizers cannot exceed 60% of the contents of the Special Session.

A minimum of 6 accepted papers with authors from at least 3 independent institutions (other than the organizers institutions) and two different countries is required for each session. If a session has too few papers, accepted papers will be allocated to regular sessions wherever possible. In case of indication of weakly organized special sessions, the conference organizers will support the organizers with advice but reserve measures including cancellation of the respective special session.

Organizers of a successful Special Session will get a free registration for every 5 papers not authored by any of the organizers and finally included in the program. The organizers can use this registration by themselves when registering to attend the conference.

The submission system is now in operation although your SS may need to wait for a while as time is required for this SS to be uploaded into the system.

We wish you every success in this endeavor.

Best regards

Prof. João Martins, Portugal, jf.martins@fct.unl.pt

Prof. José I. Leon, Spain, jileon@gte.esi.us.es

Prof. Kim Man, Hong-Kong, kimfman@outlook.com

Prof. Maria Valla, Argentina, mvalla@ing.unlp.edu.ar

Prof. Shen Yin, China, shen.yin2011@gmail.com

Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Sweden, vyatkin@ieee.org

IECON2019 SS co-chairs